What is it?

ListenWise is a learning platform that teaches engaging content and language through a multi-modal integrated approach using podcasts and videos. Listenwise provides students with access to audio content across a variety of topics, allowing students to build lower- and higher- level language skills as well as knowledge. While the platform has built-in quizzes that can provide practitioners with a means of assessing and progress monitoring their students’ listening comprehension, practitioners can also use the Lexile Framework for Listening to identify students’ audio Lexile measure and match students with similarly leveled audio passages hosted on the ListenWise platform. Listenwise has specific features designed to support multilingual students such as an English Language Development (ELD) lesson library that has narrative language support and Spanish translations embedded into the content. While ListenWise does have features such as slower audio and transcripts to provide support for all learners, the built-in quizzes appear to rely on students’ decoding skills, as the questions and multiple choice answers are presented in written text. Practitioners might use modification A to focus more explicitly on students’ listening comprehension performance during the quizzes.

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