Core Knowledge Language Arts



What is it?

The Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) curriculum builds students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through an integrated literacy approach. The content of this curriculum is divided into two strands: Skills, which supports word reading instruction, and Listening and Learning, which explicitly targets listening comprehension through the development of background knowledge and vocabulary. While the strands can be used in tandem, practitioners can use the Listening and Learning strand on its own to supplement existing instruction. CKLA is designed to be delivered over the course of the school year and used in a Tier I environment. Note: The Core Knowledge Language Arts Pre K curriculum does not have separate materials for word reading and listening comprehension. They are combined into a comprehensive curriculum that builds students’ foundational reading skills across word reading and listening comprehension.

Est. Prep Time

Est. Delivery Time



Instructional Setting(s)

Ease of Use


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