Resource Type: Supplemental Curriculum

Set scope & sequence, designed to lead instruction.

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The Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) curriculum builds students’ reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills through an integrated literacy approach.
Grade Level(s)
Let’s Know! is a supplemental curriculum designed to develop comprehension skills, such as vocabulary, text structure knowledge, inference, and comprehension monitoring, over the course of a school year.
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MORE, created by the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s READS Lab, is a supplemental curriculum designed build important literacy skills such as students’ language and schemas through exploring science and social studies topics.
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Word Generation Weekly is an interdisciplinary curriculum that targets language development.
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Pre K On My Way is a comprehensive curriculum designed to help Pre-Kindergarten students build important foundational skills across language, literacy, math, science, fine arts, physical development, social studies, and technology.
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SKILL is designed to support the development of key language skills through lessons that are standards aligned.
Grade Level(s)
Word Generation Elementary supports students’ vocabulary and knowledge development through an integrated literacy approach.
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The Research aka
Knowledge Base

Advances in reading science since 2000 offer important contributions to our understanding of how children learn to read and how adults teach children to read. We now know that listening comprehension plays a crucial role in students’ listening comprehension.

The Knowledge Base offers a curated set of recent evidence-based research findings intended to help practitioners better understand listening comprehension and its connection to other literacy skills (such as word reading, reading fluency, background knowledge, and reading comprehension).

Listening Comprehension
Resources by Type

Search the directory for instructional resources such as activities, strategies, practices, student platforms, supplemental curricula, and interventions as well as assessments to target listening comprehension in the classroom. 

Supplemental Curricula

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